Educational innovation and research forum

A few months ago I was invited to give a short presentation to inspire medical educators to involved in educational innovation and research. They were from different departments and levels of experience as educators.

I started talking to them about a beautiful garden, like the one in this picture:

Everyone would love to spend time there, now that it looks this way. But I wonder if we would all happily pay the price of doing gardening work, working early morning to prepare the land or be willing to sacrifice precious time in doing so.

It is exactly the same on research. There will be lots of time, sometimes even years before our publications can see the light of day.

Then why would we do it?
-          Well it is complicated just to try just to apply what we see already published in the international literature, and make it work in our settings. There are substantial differences in our settings.
-          The student’s training should not be based on what is used to, or what we have done traditionally, it should be based on evidence regarding the methods, strategies, procedures, and techniques, as well as the values and needs in health.
-          But especially, because there is a very big group of medical educators in the schools of medicine that have the skills to generate research and manuscripts that are relevant for medical education.

Education is not a discipline like chemistry or math. It is a field of a study that has phenomena, events, institutions, problems, needs, people and processes. Therefore, the approaches that we must use are different.

In this forum, I had the opportunity to work with highly committed educators that I am sure are, every day, working towards a better quality of education, to improve patient outcomes.

Here is a picture of the lovely crowd:


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