Is Faculty Development for me?

Traditionally, these professors in medical schools have had a solid preparation in their discipline and seek to transmit this knowledge and experience to their students. It is often expected that these physicians, without previous training in educational practice, offer quality teaching as a complement to the provision of services (Konerman, Alpert and Shashank, 2016); however, medical educators need to pursue formal training in education. It could be a workshop on your own institution, a fellowship or even a master’s program.

However, considering that medical education is a field, and not a discipline, the faculty profiles that one can find in the teaching centers are wide. Most of the faculty development programs are generic to try to accommodate as much as the professional profiles they received, I would definitely recommend any developers and CPD leaders to tailor the programs to the specific needs of their context.

Last year, we had an amazing opportunity to work with the AMEE experts on CPD in the Essential Skills workshop (if you haven't taken one of the courses on this series, I would definitely recommend you to do so). It was an eye-opening experience for me. The truth is this: the university could develop a million-dollar faculty development workshop, but is the faculty the ones that should design their personal CPD journey. It makes all sense, you need to align your professional and personal goals, you need commitment, and you need a little bit of imagination as well. Because balancing out hospital time, with teaching, and keep yourself updated with the latest trends, is hard.

I am with you on that. What has worked for you?

Konerman, M., Alpert, C., Shashank, S. (2016). Learning to be a clinician-educator. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 67(3), 338-342.


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