Hybrid clinical simulation

Last year, in AMEE  2018 conference, I had the opportunity to participate in the new format of Point of view. My topic was “Hybrid clinical simulation: Inclusion of immersive technology to develop skills on undergraduate medical students”. 

I talked about how clinical simulation provides an opportunity to train in a safe environment through the reasoning of clinical cases to obtain the best option for care. One of the things that need to be considered is mastery learning the approach were the student must repeat the task until he demonstrates his mastery.

Simulation as we know it is limited to the physical space and the acquisition of, sometimes very expensive equipment. That is why some tools such as the use of apps, augmented and virtual reality, have become strong trends. However, its focus has been mainly on the development of skills and training for medical specialties, there is a gap for training on basic skills part of the undergraduate curriculum, such as emergency management and clinical competencies.

Some of the benefits of these innovative systems are:
  • Decentralization and access to state-of-the-art technology.
  • graphics and videos that are very close to reality,
  • available for everyone regarding geographical or economic conditions,

Are you working with VR? I would love to know more about your projects!

You can find the abstract of my presentation, and all the presentations in the conference, in this link. My presentation is located easily with my name or with the session number: 7H1 (3486)


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