Professional culture
You would not believe me, but I am writing this piece at more than
10,000 feet high. I am on my way to the Latin American Conference of Residency
Education (LACRE) in Santiago, Chile. I will be presenting one of the previous
studies that we ran for my doctoral project. I will be discussing the topic of how
professional culture influences professional identity on medical educators.
Professional identity refers to how they see themselves, and life itself.
Members of a profession share knowledge, values and attitudes.
Professional culture, as described by Hargreaves & Fullan (1991), could
be categorized into individualized, balkanized, per project collaboration, and
extended collaboration.
Individualized: refers to a medical educator focused
on the service provided to the students. Every professor in the educational
setting would be focusing on his own subject, and not about the curriculum as
a whole.
Balkanized: refers to a collaboration between two
professors. This collaboration started because of shared interests, or to
facilitate a student project.
Per project collaboration: describes a learning
setting where medical educators integrate by the department. Typically, teams are
formed by a manager, think about last time you worked on reforming the curriculum.
Extended collaboration: in this setting, you cannot
distinguish the subject the educators teach, nor the department, they are just
working together to achieve the same goal.
We asked a group of professors to answer: what it means to be a medical
educator? And the answers show how a professional culture influence
professional identity. For example, in the lowest level of collaboration, the
individualized category, educators would describe a medical educator as someone
with the required credentials, or a physician that works in the clinic and
teaches. An educator on the highest level of collaboration would describe a
medical educator as a health professional that is committed to society
reflecting over his own experience to make students gain knowledge, and how to
make the patient the most important thing.
I would love to share with you the poster that I prepared.
What do you
think? How is the professional culture in your school?
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